Statement on AllAboveAll

The Carolina Abortion Fund stands in solidarity with the terminated workers of All Above All–many of whom raised alarm bells about serious and pervasive anti-Blackness within the organization earlier this summer. For the duration of the season, all eyes were on this organization who has co-led this movement towards abortion access and reproductive justice for all alongside us and our many movement, clinic and practical support partners. We would be remiss not to recognize these actions as a reflection of the pervasive anti-Blackness within the movement and how it has taken new form since Dobbs. We are disgusted that a call to change the culture of an organization has been answered with retaliatory layoffs. We are tired of seeing the people, and our people, who are the leaders of social change, who are the drivers of the movement, and who are at the center of this work build this movement and bring it into their own communities just to be discarded. 

We have asked All Above All (what remains of it) to remove CAF from their list of partner organizations effective immediately.

CAF Admin