Carolina Abortion Fund

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J's Story

In 1988 I was 16, and I had an abortion. As soon as I missed my period I knew I wasn't ready for motherhood. I was excited about going to college the next year.
I wasn't sure who the father was, but my boyfriend paid for it, $250. We had to pay cash since we were under 18. I was about 10 weeks along.
This was in Charlotte and there was one clinic that would take me without parent permission. We lied that we were going to mini golf and an arcade that Saturday and off we went. At the clinic sometimes there were protesters but luckily not the day I was there.
By the time I saw my mom later that afternoon I couldn't hold it together anymore and told her everything. She didn't judge or chastise me. She made an appointment for me with her GYN to get birth control. No one there judged me, they were just glad I was healthy physically.
I don't know if anyone else in my family ever found out. We just moved on.

A few months before the ruling my daughter and I marched in Raleigh. She was 14 at the time. Thay day, a stark reality settled in that this right could be revoked. I felt sorrow and outrage. I also felt deep gratitude that abortion had been accessible to me. I told my daughter that if she ever wants or needs an abortion, no questions asked - we will go wherever we need to for safe access.

I hope this story is helpful in some way, even if just as a glimpse into the past.